Saturday, 17 April 2010


I've always been sceptical about remakes, especially the recent trend to remake comparatively recent films like Halloween and Nightmare on Elm Street (franchises that only actually ended the first time in the last decade or so), but this latest atrocity surely takes the biscuit.

Death at a Funeral is a moderately amusing comedy directed by Frank 'Yoda' Oz that came out in 2007.

Death at a Funeral is a remake directed by Neil la Bute, that is coming out in 2010.

It even features one of the same actors reprising his role!

If Death at a Funeral Mark One was in Korean or Swahili then there might be some small justification for such a piece of filmic depravity but the film is in English, was directed by an American and even features some American actors in the cast.

There have of course been a few justified remakes, a surprising example being the Clooney/Pitt/Damon Oceans Eleven which was a big improvement on the Rat Pack's original, but really the way things are going we can envisage a day when the remake is released before the original...

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